The internet is becoming the primary place for conducting businesses. This is the main reason many businesses

It is hard to achieve business goals without an effective and user-friendly website. A business needs to hire multiple sales persons to generate leads and increase sales of a business. A well-designed website acts as a silent salesman for a business, interacts and engages prospective customers and results in sales. So, if you think hiring a creative website designer for designing a business website is the wastage of time and money, you are committing a mistake. A professional website designer understands that when a company looks for a website, it should contain important elements that help in generating quality leads. This is the main reason most of the website design services in Singapore are confident to offer quality results to their clients by designing a highly interactive website. Every interactive website contains these essential 5 elements:
User-Friendly Navigation:

If a website has a clear navigation, visitors can easily find out what they are looking for and even search engines easily index the pages. You may be offering the best and unique products and services in your industry, but it will not solve the desired purpose if your customers do not locate your business on the search engines. Thus, a website designer in Singapore creates a website with smooth navigation by placing search and navigation tabs either on the top or sides of the web page and linking every page of a website to the home page.

Call to Action (CTA):

Call to action statements or phrases are necessary to turn a visitor into a prospect. What you want your customers should do after browsing your website clearly? This desired action should be clear on your website so that customers can take necessary actions. Thus, call to actions phrases like “Buy Now”, “Make a Purchase”, “Avail Discount”, “Request a Quote”, etc., need to highlight so that customers can take their next follow-up action. If a person hires professional website design services in Singapore, the professionals of the company always highlight CTA phrases in the top right and footer section, keep the font of these phrases is larger than the standard font and use attractive colors to make them stand out in a web page.


Unless and until, a customer does not feel attracted to your brand, he will not make a purchase. There are ample ways of connecting with customers like using social media channels but the effectiveness of storytelling outshines all. Make sure to present your story on the “About Us” section so that customers can relate to it. It is a great idea to give a personal touch to your website by writing the “About Us” section in a generalized manner like how you started, challenges faces, etc. This is one suggestion which many website designers in Singapore share with their clients while designing a website.

Web Responsive Website:

Over 60% of the users are browsing a website on electronic gadgets other than computers or laptops. Thus, it is necessary that a business should opt for web responsive websites so that users can view the content clearly on all electronic devices ranging from smartphones, iPad, tablet, etc. A web responsive website gains the good rankings in search engines as even search engines check the web responsiveness of a website while indexing it.

Incorporate a Video:

Change the outlook of a website by incorporating a video on the home page. Do not over clutter your website with lengthy content. A well-known fact is the human mind processes images faster than text. Moreover, visual messages always leave a long term impression on the customers’ minds. So, if you are planning a new product launch or opening a new store in the city, disseminate information via a powerful and animated video. The end results will definitely mesmerize you.

So, these are some of the important elements that a professional website must incorporate. Hire website design services in Singapore from a reputed player and it will ensure to create a web-intuitive and highly responsive website for your business.